Top 11 Yoga Asanas and Their Benefits


Today’s fast-moving world has taught us to follow trends. There are a lot of trends like trendy clothes, trendy gadgets, and appliances but unfortunately, there is no such trend of being healthy. We are running to achieve materialistic things but we are leaving our health behind and this is the worst we could do to ourselves. 

Having body pain, anxiety, high blood pressure, stress, and frustration all these things have become so common among us. All of us are either suffering from one of these or all of these. These are symptoms of poor mental and physical health which is a result of poor lifestyle. 

If you are not familiar with yoga, don’t worry. Various Yoga online courses can teach you the basics of yoga. You can learn theory and practical both. The best part about online yoga courses is that you don’t have to leave your comfort zone. 

Having physical and mental health issues is no joke they should be cured as soon as possible. Yoga is the ultimate solution to all these lifestyle-related issues. Yoga was introduced thousands of years ago and it is still practiced all across the globe. There must be something special about yoga that makes it immortal.  

If you feel stuck, being a beginner and feeling confused is normal. There are certain ways by which you can start your yoga journey smoothly: 

  • First of all, find a comfortable and quiet place, choose any corner of your house that should be slightly lit and there should be no noise disturbances and there should be positive vibrations all over the place. 
  • Once you have found your perfect corner place any mat and sit down. You can sit on the floor if you do not have a mat. 
  • Start with basic stretching and try doing basic yoga poses. Start with small, start with 10-15 minutes every day. 
  • Once it turns into a habit gradually increase the time and complexity of the asanas. 

Below are the Top 11 Yoga Asanas and Their Benefits



Tadasana is also known as Mountain Pose. This asana is the foundation of all the poses, it teaches balance and focuses on breathing. 

Steps to perform Tadasana:

  1. Stand with your feet together and keep your heels a little apart.
  2. Distribute your weight evenly on your feet.
  3. Relax your body and slowly lift your heels to stand on your toes. 
  4. Now lift your hands in the air straight and hold this position for 30 seconds then release.

Benefits: This asana provides strength in your thighs, knees, and shoulders. You can learn to focus on your breathing through this asana. Tadasana also promotes flexibility.



Bhujangasana is also known as the cobra pose because of its formation of like a snake. This asana provides strength in the spine and it also promotes flexibility. 

Steps toperform bhujangasana:

  1. Lie down flat on your stomach and keep your elbows close to your body. 
  2. Firmly put your feet on the floor, Make a grip. 
  3. Inhale and slightly lift your chest with the help of your spine. 
  4. Be in a push-up-like position then stretch your elbows, and keep them a bit folded. 
  5. Hold the pose for 15-30 seconds and then slowly release. 

Benefits: This asana strengthens your spine. It also relieves lower back pain and increases flexibility.

Adho Mukha Savanasana

Adho Mukha Savanasana

Adho Mukha Savasana is also known as the downward dog pose. This asana is very easy to perform it provides strength to the thighs, calves, and spine. 

Steps to perform Adho Mukha Savanasana: 

  1. Stand firmly on the mat and distribute your weight evenly. 
  2. Now bend down and put your hands on the floor, do not fold your knees. 
  3. Keep your hands apart from your legs. Spread your fingers and make a grip.
  4. Push your feet towards the ground and while doing this lift your hips. 
  5. Do this while stretching your spine keeping it long. 

Benefits: This asana has both physical and mental health benefits it helps in relieving stress, provides peace, and also strengthens your spine.



Vajrasana is also known as the diamond pose. This asana is a proven way to improve digestion and reduce lower back pain. This asana can be done after eating food.

Steps to perform Vajrasana: 

  1. Sit on the floor with your legs folded under your thighs. 
  2. Keep your heels under your hips, and keep your back straight. Stretch your spine. 
  3. Rest your hands on your thighs while performing this asana. 
  4. Close your eyes and take 5-10 deep breaths. 
  5. Hold this pose for 5-10 minutes.

Benefits: This asana results in good gut health as it promotes healthy digestion, it also cures lower back pain and strengthens your pelvic muscles.


Naukasana is also known as boat pose as the nauka means boat. This asana targets the core and improves the digestive system.

Steps to perform Naukasana: 

  1. Lie straight on your back with your legs straight, and keep your hands along your legs. 
  2. Now lift your upper and lower body together towards each other. Stretch your hands towards your legs. 
  3. Maintain this pose only the hip area will be on the floor, keep looking in front. 
  4. Try to balance this and hold it for 15-30 seconds then release.

Benefits: This asana makes your core strong. It makes your abdomen and spine strong. It promotes balance and flexibility in the body.



Balasana is also known as the child pose. This asana is good for the back and it also improves mental health. 

Steps to perform balasana:

  1. Start by sitting on the floor, now bend your knees, and put your heels under the hips. 
  2. Sit as you sit in Vajrasana but keep your knees a little apart.
  3. Now hold your knees with your hands and bend forward. 
  4. Try to touch your forehead to the floor. 
  5. Hold this position for 30 seconds or a minute. 

Benefits: This asana is a proven way to improve your mental health, it relieves your stress and also strengthens your core.



This asana is also known as the seated forward bend pose and west stretching pose. This asana improves flexibility significantly. 

Steps to perform Paschimottansana: 

  1. Sit on the floor and lay your legs straight. 
  2. Join your legs and stretch them long in front of you. 
  3. Inhale and stretch your spine then exhale then stretch your hands to reach the feet.
  4. Touch your feet and try to touch your forehead to the knees. 
  5. Try to hold this position for 1-3 minutes. 

Benefits: This asana strengthens the spine, it is a good way to stretch your whole body. It cures back pain.



This asana is also known as the Bow pose. 

Steps to perform Dhanurasana:

  1. Lie on your stomach with your hands alongside your body.
  2. Now while lying on the floor try to reach your ankles with your hands. 
  3. Inhale and lift your chest to hold your ankles pull your ankles towards your shoulders and stretch them.
  4. Hold this for 15-30 seconds.

Benefits: This asana improves posture. It stretches the chest and shoulders and also strengthens your back muscles.



This asana is also known as the crow pose. This asana makes you look like a bird who is standing on two hands. This asana can be a little complicated for beginners. 

Steps to perform Kakasana: 

  1. Sit in the squat position. Put your hands on the floor like a frog. 
  2. Now lift your hips and bend your knees. Place your knees on your upper arms. 
  3. Put all your weight on the hand and try to balance. 
  4. Try to hold this position for 10-20 seconds. 

Benefits: This asana provides immense strength to the hands and wrists, It also increases balance and flexibility.



This asana is also known as the camel pose. This pose stretches the whole body at once.

Steps to perform Ustrasana: 

  1. Kneel on the floor and keep your body straight. 
  2. Keep your knees hip-width apart. Now stretch your body backwards and touch your heels.
  3. After touching your heels from the back of your body. Create an arch with your back.
  4. Hold it for 25-30 seconds. 

Benefits: This asana is good for digestive organs. It also stretches the whole front of your body.



This asana is also known as the Dancer pose. 

Steps for performing Natrajasana:

  1. Stand on your feet and put your whole weight on the left foot. 
  2. Lift your right knee and try to hold the ankle of your right leg with your right hand. 
  3. Now put your left hand in front and stretch your right leg backward. 
  4. Now hold this position for 30-6- seconds and do it for both the legs. 

Benefits: It stretches the back and the legs. It improves spine health and balance.

These are some best yoga asanas that target your whole body. This comprehensive list combines asanas that provide mental and physical health benefits. Performing yoga daily can have positive effects on your body. Remember to be consistent with your goals. Stay happy stay healthy!

Frequently Ask Questions (FAQ)

Yoga is a vast concept, the exact number of asanas cannot be calculated but an estimate can be given through the different forms of yoga. 

  • Hatha Yoga – It includes around 84 asanas. 
  • Vinyasa Yoga – It includes nearly 12 asanas.
  • Ashtanga Yoga – Includes around 75 asanas. 
  • Iyengar Yoga – Includes  200 asanas and 14 kinds of breathing exercises.
  • Kundalini Yoga – Includes around a dozen asanas.
  • Bikram Yoga – 26 asanas.
  • Yin Yoga- Have 20-30 poses. 
  • Restorative Yoga- around 5-10 poses. 
  • Power Yoga- includes 30-50 poses. 
  • Prenatal Yoga – Includes around 20-30 poses.

There are around basic 10 types of yoga:

  • Hatha Yoga – The basic foundation of all yoga poses. It teaches balance and breathing techniques.
  • Vinyasa Yoga – This kind of yoga includes a sequence of poses, it includes flowing from one pose to another pose smoothly. 
  • Ashtanga Yoga – This yoga follows a sequence of poses, it is a fast-paced type of yoga.
  • Iyengar Yoga – This kind of yoga includes props and it focuses on the alignment of the body.
  • Kundalini Yoga – This yoga focuses on the kundalini energy of the human body, it includes chanting. 
  • Bikram Yoga – This is also known as hot yoga, it is performed in a heated room. It includes 26 poses that are performed in sequence. 
  • Yin Yoga – Slow and peaceful type of yoga in which poses are held for longer periods. 
  • Restorative Yoga- This type of yoga focuses on mental health. It relieves stress and also uses props to support the body.
  • Power Yoga – It is just a fast-paced version of vinyasa yoga. 
  • Prenatal Yoga – Specially made for pregnant women to promote natural delivery and good health.

Yes! Pregnant women can perform yoga which does not put stress on their abdomen. Pregnant women should avoid Front bends, back bends, Lying on the belly, and inverted poses. 

You can perform these asanas and they will benefit your health during pregnancy: 

  • Marjaryasana/Bitilasana
  • Virabhadrasana II
  • Baddha Konasana
  • Utthita Parsvakonasana
  • Vrksasana
  • Malasana
  • Balasana

These asanas can have positive effects on your health and also promote a natural and smooth delivery process.

Doing yoga empty stomach is preferred. If you are empty stomach you can focus more, increased efficiency, and chances of nausea are less. 

Even if you are not empty stomach you should wait at least 45 minutes before performing yoga.